User defined Exception in Java
Hello Friends,
In this article we will see User Defined Exception. User Defined Exception means exception class created by User. Built-in exceptions provided by the Exception and Error classes may not always be enough to trap errors occurring in the program. There may be case where there is a need to create user-defined exceptions. User-defined class should be subclass of the Exception class.
The advantage of sub-classing the exception the Exception class is that the new exception type can be caught separately from other subclasses of Throwable.
Example of User-defined Exception is following,
class UseDefinedException extends Exception{
msg = "";
int marks;
public UseDefinedException(){
public UseDefinedException(String str){
public String toString(){
if(marks <= 50){
msg = "You have failed";
if (marks > 50){
msg = "You have Passed";
return msg;
public class Test{
public static void main(String args[]){
t = new Test();
public void method(){
int i=0;
if( i < 50)
throw new UseDefinedException();
catch(UseDefinedException ude){
System.out.println("User Defined Exception ::
It's Output will be,
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